Edward Throndike
1.Edward Thorndike put a cat in a puzzle box. Outside there was food so the cat had to figure out how to open the box so it could reach the food. this was a huge challenge fot the cat inside the box.
2. the law of effect is the actions or the consequences that will affect you in the future.
3. the law of exercise is the stimulus and the response are related with each other more frequently the response is followed by the stimulus. This is that no one can learn by only watching it is better if the individual can practice the skill.
B.F. Skinner
1. operante conditioning is the reinforcemnet and the punishment that changes your behavior tendancy.
2. reinforcemnts always increases the behavior.
3. punishment always decreases the behavior.
4.positive is something that they give you, and negative is when they take something away.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
1. he wanted to figure out if dogs could salivate without the need to show them any kind of food.
2. His expiremnet consisted of many steps, at first he gave food to the dog, and the dog started to salivate. afterwards he gave the dog food and rang a bell, by doing this many times the dog started to salivate when Pavlov rang the bell even though no food appeared.
3. the conditional stimulus in his expirement was the bell, the unconditional stimulus was the food and the conditional response was the saliva of the dog.
4. extinction in realtion with classical conditioning means gradual weaking or gradual disapearance of the conditional response.
5.stimulus generalizations means a response to a specific stimulus and becomes associated to other stimuli and occurs to those other stimuli.
6. Stimulus discrimination is learning to respond to one stimulus and not another, in relation withclassical conditioning.
7. two limitations of this expiremnet are, that the results with humans could change. also Pavlov had to change the route of salivation glands.
8. pavlov theorized that we learned by association.
1.the little Albert expirement was conducted by steps. at first when he was nine months old Watson exposed the little bay to many things like rat, monkeys, masks with hair and wth no hair, rabbit, dogs etc. two months later they exposed the same creatures to little albert, but they made noisy sounds so he could fear to the creatures shown.
2. the conditionla stimules was the white rat, the unconditional stimuls was the loud nouses, and the conditioned response was the little baby cries.
3. this experiment was unethical and this could never be tested on humans again even worst little babies.
4.The more frequent a stimulus and response to occur in association with each other, the stronger that habit will become.
5.The response that has most recently occurred after a particular stimulus is the response most likely to be associated with that stimulus
6. Watson said that psychology had nothing to do with the mind or humans instead with the behavior, this way people could be studied objectively like lab rats.
1. he wanted to figure out if dogs could salivate without the need to show them any kind of food.
2. His expiremnet consisted of many steps, at first he gave food to the dog, and the dog started to salivate. afterwards he gave the dog food and rang a bell, by doing this many times the dog started to salivate when Pavlov rang the bell even though no food appeared.
3. the conditional stimulus in his expirement was the bell, the unconditional stimulus was the food and the conditional response was the saliva of the dog.
4. extinction in realtion with classical conditioning means gradual weaking or gradual disapearance of the conditional response.
5.stimulus generalizations means a response to a specific stimulus and becomes associated to other stimuli and occurs to those other stimuli.
6. Stimulus discrimination is learning to respond to one stimulus and not another, in relation withclassical conditioning.
7. two limitations of this expiremnet are, that the results with humans could change. also Pavlov had to change the route of salivation glands.
8. pavlov theorized that we learned by association.
1.the little Albert expirement was conducted by steps. at first when he was nine months old Watson exposed the little bay to many things like rat, monkeys, masks with hair and wth no hair, rabbit, dogs etc. two months later they exposed the same creatures to little albert, but they made noisy sounds so he could fear to the creatures shown.
2. the conditionla stimules was the white rat, the unconditional stimuls was the loud nouses, and the conditioned response was the little baby cries.
3. this experiment was unethical and this could never be tested on humans again even worst little babies.
4.The more frequent a stimulus and response to occur in association with each other, the stronger that habit will become.
5.The response that has most recently occurred after a particular stimulus is the response most likely to be associated with that stimulus
6. Watson said that psychology had nothing to do with the mind or humans instead with the behavior, this way people could be studied objectively like lab rats.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Articles about sleep
high school students with a delay start to school
1. this study was authored by Zaw W. Htwe, MD, he worked on Norwalk Hospital's Sleep Disorders Center in Norwalk.
2. this method was to see if students begining school 40 minutes later it would make them be more concentrated throught the classes. he focused on 259 high school students who completed the condensed School Sleep Habits Questionnaire.
3. the findings are that following a 40-minute delay in start time, the students utilized 83 percent of the extra time for sleep.students slept significantly longer on school nights. Total sleep time on school nights increased 33 minutes. this makes students be foucused on each class of the day.
1. this study was authored by Zaw W. Htwe, MD, he worked on Norwalk Hospital's Sleep Disorders Center in Norwalk.
2. this method was to see if students begining school 40 minutes later it would make them be more concentrated throught the classes. he focused on 259 high school students who completed the condensed School Sleep Habits Questionnaire.

4. in my opinion this is a bad idea and it will be th same. i think this because each student will get use to that schedule and will start to sleep at an even later time of the night. also if you start later you will also finish later, having the same time as before to finish all assigments. the solution for this is less homework every day.
Delayed School Start Time Associated With Improvements in Adolescent Behaviors
3."students reported significantly more satisfaction with sleep and experienced improved motivation. Daytime sleepiness, fatigue and depressed mood were all reduced. Most health-related variables, including Health Center visits for fatigue-related complaints, and class attendance also improved."
4.i do agree with these findings because with the more sleep you get the more concentrate and with better attitude you are throughout the whole day. your body is not that tired as before so it has more energy to do everyday.
Being A Night Owl In High School Is Linked With Lower College GPA
1. Jennifer Peszka, PhD, psychology department chair at Hendrix College in Conway, Ark.,
2. the study was based on the reaction of the students. it was based on 89 students (between 17 and 20 years old) preparing to begin their freshman year and 34 of those students as they completed their freshman year in college.
3. the findings were that "results indicate that evening types had significantly lower first year college GPA (2.84) than morning and intermediate types (3.18). These evening-type students showed a greater decrease in their GPA during the transition from high school to college”(Academy of Sleep).
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Parents have to be more coprhencive all time. we have lots of things in our brain occuring at the same time and they are putting much more pressure in us. i learned that us as teenagers we must get at least nine hours at night to sleep. if we get to sleep the right amount of time at night our body will be awakend and we will be more active. most of our frontal lobe in our teen years is still developing andimproving from time to time. i really learned many things from this video. most of the times i get angry with my family membres is beacuse i think they do not understand me at all and they just want to bother me. but actually all they are trying to do is to help me because they have already been in the teen years. being teenagers is a very difficult stage in my opinion because we have to keep up with many things like friendship or school, ven though our brain is still developing. also trying to avoid peer pressure is very hard, alcohol becamoes a huge problem during this years. time to time our brain will be fully develop and we will understand and see the world in a different perspective. after teen years parents could become your best friends forever. This video say many true things occuring to every teeanger in the world. Less homework would let us rest even more! :)
Saturday, September 25, 2010
How our BRAIN works.
1. the word hemisphere referes to our brain because of the two sides of our brain. htere is the left hemisphere and the right hemishpere, each side with their own responsibilties and duties.
2.the major things that difffer the left side with the right are that the left side of language and process in a logic and sequeltial oreder. and the right side is more as a visual and process intuitive, hollistically and randomly. they both have different job to carry out acticities for your body.
3.corpus collosum is part of the brain that conncets the left and right side cerebral hemispheres which facilitates the comunication.
4. Paul Broca was a very smart french physician. He discovered the Broca area that it is located in the frontal lobe in our brain. After his studies they figured out that it is the part of the brain that makes us speak. He was not only a physician, he was also an anatomist and anthropologist. he made many researched and then named this part of the brain after his last name.
5.Roger sperry was a succesful neuropsychologist, neurobiologist and nobel laureate. He even won a noble medicine prize because of his research about the split brain. he did many research and expiriments before his final answer. he was a very hard working man, he figured about the split brain occurs when the corpus collosum connest to the two cerebral hemispheres.
6. karl Wernicke was an German man that was an physician, anatomist, psychiatrist and neuropathologist. he researched on brain damage especially with language and speech. He figured out that the daage for that results came from the Broca area because his discovery this region is called the wernicke area.
7.The occipital lobe is responsible for the vision.
8.the temporal lobe is responsible for hearing and language.
9. the frontal lobe is reponsible for the math calculations
10. the frontal lobe is most responsible for judgment, reasoning and impulse control?
2.the major things that difffer the left side with the right are that the left side of language and process in a logic and sequeltial oreder. and the right side is more as a visual and process intuitive, hollistically and randomly. they both have different job to carry out acticities for your body.
3.corpus collosum is part of the brain that conncets the left and right side cerebral hemispheres which facilitates the comunication.
4. Paul Broca was a very smart french physician. He discovered the Broca area that it is located in the frontal lobe in our brain. After his studies they figured out that it is the part of the brain that makes us speak. He was not only a physician, he was also an anatomist and anthropologist. he made many researched and then named this part of the brain after his last name.
5.Roger sperry was a succesful neuropsychologist, neurobiologist and nobel laureate. He even won a noble medicine prize because of his research about the split brain. he did many research and expiriments before his final answer. he was a very hard working man, he figured about the split brain occurs when the corpus collosum connest to the two cerebral hemispheres.
6. karl Wernicke was an German man that was an physician, anatomist, psychiatrist and neuropathologist. he researched on brain damage especially with language and speech. He figured out that the daage for that results came from the Broca area because his discovery this region is called the wernicke area.
7.The occipital lobe is responsible for the vision.
8.the temporal lobe is responsible for hearing and language.
9. the frontal lobe is reponsible for the math calculations
10. the frontal lobe is most responsible for judgment, reasoning and impulse control?
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

2. Phineas had a huge accident ne day while working hard. a very large iron rod passed through his eye passing part of his brain. the frontal lobe was the part of his brain destroyed. this was caused because of the type of work he did.
3. after this injury occured to Gage he was not the same person everyone liked to be around. He was now a very mean guy. Becasue of his frontal lobe was destroyed his whole personality change a lot and was very mean and rude to everyone at all times. He was a whole new person everyone avioded now.
4. Gage because of his accident was tested and expirimented and help them understand what actually was occuring because of his frontal lobe destroyed. we all learned that without the frontal lbe you an't control your emotions, and your whole personality changes. many people may get really mad because of the harsh and mean thisngs told; because of the frontal lobe destroyed. all brain parts are important and a small mistake in one part may change you to a new person.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Athletic Ability

In conclusion, my hypothesis or thought about the athletic ability was correct according to the research I looked at. Being a person good at sports does not make you skip you practice, practice will make you better, and realize the mistakes, because nobody is perfect. Every single athlete in the world is good because of their trainings even though some have an easier ability to understand and to get things quicker. I came to my conclusion that nature and nurture play a strong role in every athlete of the world.
Darrell, "Expert Football." nature vs Nurture in Sports. N.p., 2009. Web. 8 Sep 2010. <http://expertfootball.com/training/naturevsnurture.php
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Nature vs. Nurture

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Charles darwin

Charles darwin did a big journey out of England. He got to gather a viariety of different information of the south american fauna, flora and geology. during his long journey he got to see the differnt viarity of species. it was huge expedition on a boat called the beagle.
Nature selcects who will survive and what does not. Charles found out that the creatures varied depended on the place they lived. if the creature did not have a characterisctic that would help them survive in that habitat, s it would not be able to reprodece it self. His theory said that it all depended on evolution for the benefit for each specie. he named this theory as natural selection.
Charles Darwin while he studied his investiogation about the diferent species had many problems. Charles way of thinking got in huge problems because of the religion. For many years everyone has belived in what the bible says, and changing the way of thinking in those times could create big trouble. Charles may have had offened many people throughout his investigation about revolution. Darwin when he finished his book he had a lot of anguish on publishing his great book. He also found out that someone was coming up with his same theory, and has not been investigating that as he does. eventhough he new he might offend lots of people he knows, he had to publish it. This investigation took him lots of time.
Monday, August 16, 2010
What is Pshcology?

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