Charles darwin did a big journey out of England. He got to gather a viariety of different information of the south american fauna, flora and geology. during his long journey he got to see the differnt viarity of species. it was huge expedition on a boat called the beagle.
Nature selcects who will survive and what does not. Charles found out that the creatures varied depended on the place they lived. if the creature did not have a characterisctic that would help them survive in that habitat, s it would not be able to reprodece it self. His theory said that it all depended on evolution for the benefit for each specie. he named this theory as natural selection.
Charles Darwin while he studied his investiogation about the diferent species had many problems. Charles way of thinking got in huge problems because of the religion. For many years everyone has belived in what the bible says, and changing the way of thinking in those times could create big trouble. Charles may have had offened many people throughout his investigation about revolution. Darwin when he finished his book he had a lot of anguish on publishing his great book. He also found out that someone was coming up with his same theory, and has not been investigating that as he does. eventhough he new he might offend lots of people he knows, he had to publish it. This investigation took him lots of time.
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