nature and nurture are very diferent from each oter. nature is the genetics which you have born with, like the eye colors, and more physical things. nurture in the other hand is what you grow into, or what you adapt from the enviroment you live in. the first one to use this term, nature and nurture was a man called francis Galton, he was Charles darwin cousin, a realy smart family. world wide there are many topics that are being debated nature vs nurture. Some of this topics are criminal nature, atletic ability, intelligence, homosexual, personality, and much more,but those are the most common ones. They do all thins debate to figure out which as more power in our lives, nature or nurture. The debate is to know if you have been born with a kind of personality or you develop it while you are growing. those both terms are very different and have being a problem debating on it. Mr. Dougherty belives and says the debators are ralaying more on the enviromental and they have examples from identical twins when oftenly they do not turn out exactly with the same personalities or abilities.in my opinion every single human depends on both. of course somethings depend on nature more, and some depend on nurture, but at the end it has a littlebit of the both. it is interesting to know why you have that personality or your athletic ability, but each person is different,so i think some people may get their ability passed on while others not, so it all depends in nature AND nurture. Both of them together makes a better person.
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