1. he wanted to figure out if dogs could salivate without the need to show them any kind of food.
2. His expiremnet consisted of many steps, at first he gave food to the dog, and the dog started to salivate. afterwards he gave the dog food and rang a bell, by doing this many times the dog started to salivate when Pavlov rang the bell even though no food appeared.
3. the conditional stimulus in his expirement was the bell, the unconditional stimulus was the food and the conditional response was the saliva of the dog.
4. extinction in realtion with classical conditioning means gradual weaking or gradual disapearance of the conditional response.
5.stimulus generalizations means a response to a specific stimulus and becomes associated to other stimuli and occurs to those other stimuli.
6. Stimulus discrimination is learning to respond to one stimulus and not another, in relation withclassical conditioning.
7. two limitations of this expiremnet are, that the results with humans could change. also Pavlov had to change the route of salivation glands.
8. pavlov theorized that we learned by association.
1.the little Albert expirement was conducted by steps. at first when he was nine months old Watson exposed the little bay to many things like rat, monkeys, masks with hair and wth no hair, rabbit, dogs etc. two months later they exposed the same creatures to little albert, but they made noisy sounds so he could fear to the creatures shown.
2. the conditionla stimules was the white rat, the unconditional stimuls was the loud nouses, and the conditioned response was the little baby cries.
3. this experiment was unethical and this could never be tested on humans again even worst little babies.
4.The more frequent a stimulus and response to occur in association with each other, the stronger that habit will become.
5.The response that has most recently occurred after a particular stimulus is the response most likely to be associated with that stimulus
6. Watson said that psychology had nothing to do with the mind or humans instead with the behavior, this way people could be studied objectively like lab rats.
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